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Aug 28, 2019

1. Chicken shop pop up 
2. Father’s Day 
3. Arnja the Cutlery Queen 
4. Moosie 

Aug 21, 2019

1. Chicken shop awards 
2. Power Moves
3. Beanies
4. Beat The Bomb
5. Song Sleuth
6. Skill off - Tom vs Arnja 

Aug 14, 2019

1. Meeting Michael 
2. The Micke challenge 
3. Who would vouch for you? 
4. Meowbert 
5. What's that song? 
6. $100 question 

Aug 7, 2019

1. Café confrontation 
2. Pasties 
3. Spoiler blessing 
4. Power Moves 
5. Fast as a calculator 
6. This is your captain speaking 
7. Bec’s ban