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Apr 28, 2021

1. New tracksuits 
2. Shunned by a Russ 
3. Pizza Lotto 
4. Harry the Pie Sargent – Special Skill 

Apr 21, 2021

1. Makita get in touch 
2. Upset Andy 
3. Operation: Authentico Italiano 
4. OnlyAndy247 switches to free 

Apr 14, 2021

1. Tell Us Someone We Haven’t Thought Of In A While 
2. Hillier’s hot seat 
3. It’s all downhill from here 
4. Intalia-no...or yes? Hamish investigates 
5. Potential special skills

Apr 7, 2021

1. Joe knows the note – Special Skill 
2. Hamish’s Pino proposal 
3. A punter’s responsibility  
4. Power Moves 
5. Elevator kiss