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Oct 27, 2021

1. Celebrity Impulse Club 
2. NBA players – Special Skill 
3. Song Sleuth 
4. Sultana Bran health stars 

Oct 20, 2021

1. Power Moves book update with Horgs 
2. One burger, one bite ft. Hamish Blake – Special Skill 
3. Any luck for Jack Post the horse? 
4. Four'n Twenty game theory 

Oct 13, 2021

1. Power Moves 
2. Name That Noise 
3. Verbal unsubscribe 
4. Hamish’s business challenge 
5. Star ratings – Special skill 
6. Shocking behaviours 

Oct 6, 2021

1. The stud barn 
2. Dictionary skill – Frame of Shame? 
3. Free pies with Jonathan Brown 
4. Chit Chat Champion 
5. Concrete Davidson