Apr 3, 2017
1 - Today is Eat the Board day, but Hamish is still feeling off from Fridays food poisoning
2 - Hamish has been copping heat on Instagram
3 - We'll start eating shortly
4 - Talking strategies, and the eating begins
5 - Michelle wants to know how Andy enjoyed the Fillet o Fish?
6 - Nunny has been so inspired, he's at McDonalds now
7 - Taylor congratulates Andy on being the bigger man, taking the Chicken & Cheese
8 - Jack has been inspired to finally begin his 2000 word essay
9 - Kath says we need to stand and wriggle the food down
10 - Hame’s wife Zoe is here for moral support
11 - Eat the Board the movie – how we thought today would go
12 - Tiffany Hall has got some words of encouragement for us
13 - Hamish begs Matt for nugget & Angus Burger mercy
14 - We’re on a rampage...until Andy spews
15 - Hamish also spews. We failed, but we're awarding ourselves a win!