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Sep 26, 2018

1. Lil Scrappy
2. Bec public transport prank
3. Battle for chicken supremacy – merch designs
4. Merch designs side note
5. Special Skills speed round
6. Louis the Bog Conjuror

Sep 19, 2018

1. Kris Smith
2. International Phrase Book
3. Hilliar millionaire quiz
4. Power moves
5. Government Grant Denyer
6. A whole lotta’ merch

Sep 12, 2018

1. More messages of inspiration for Andy
2. Harry the ‘Flag Man’
3. Battle of the chicken ads
4. The piss test
5. The piss test pt.2
6. Border in the Court

Sep 5, 2018

1. Tell us someone we haven’t thought of in a while
2. Grand Stan Phone Scam
3. Rory the Ballad Man
4. Rory the Ballad Man pt. 2
5. Airport elevator
6. Celebrity messages for Andy
7. This weekend we piss
8. Cameo correction