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Apr 27, 2022

1. Power Moves 
2. Choir Chums – Mike’s exceptional gear change 
3. Hamish is breaking up with his pots and pans 
4. The Human Word Count – Joel’s special skill 
5. Keep It or Delete It: Pubic hair 
6. The Remembering Project is back! 

Apr 20, 2022

1. The Bug-A-Salt Review 
2. Can you tell the Olsen Twins apart? Millie’s Special skill 
3. Andy Airbnb'd a celebrity’s house 
4. Hamish is open to golf sponsorships 

Apr 13, 2022

1. The Bug-A-Salt arrives 
2. David & Goliath 
3. Gustomer Service: Roof Carrier Systems 
4. The King of the Claw – Nick's skill tester special skill 
5. Food heroes and villains 

Apr 6, 2022

1. Another choir chum 
2. Window Wow 
3. Alcohol percentage – special skill 
4. Tall Terrier mud bath