Dec 5, 2008
1 - Kris Kringle stitch ups. 2 - Paul Rudd. 3 - Horgs' Inventions. 4 - Brooke's Christmas wishes. 5 - Awkward mum conversation. 6 - Fred Basset.
Dec 4, 2008
1 - Santa Impersonators. 2 - Worst of Brad Blanks. 3 - Trading Post Challenge. 4 - Creative punishments. 5 - The Girlfriend Handover Period. 6 - Bring Out Your Dead.
Dec 4, 2008
1 - Talking to girls. 2 - Annoying teachers. 3 - Double Blast from the Past. 4 - What do you want for Christmas? 5 - Brad Blanks. 6 - Christmas Hampers. 7 - What day does it feel like?