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Nov 6, 2019

1. Keep it or Delete it 
2. Cola challenge 
3. A different type of sunscreen ad 
4. Camping 
5. Upset Andy 
6. Closing the lid on the dim sim case 

Oct 30, 2019

1. Memojis
2. Little Mermaid
3. Holistic dentist
4. Tunisia fan, if you’re listening…
5. Skill Off – Sam vs Annalise 

Oct 23, 2019

1. Chicken Fest – pt. 1 
2. Chicken Fest – pt. 2 
3. Underdressed for Chicken Fest 
4. Chicken Fest – pt. 3 
5. Black-tie blackmail 
6. Operation ‘My Man’ 

Oct 16, 2019

1. We wish you a Merry Sticksmas 
2. Chicken Fest FAQ 
3. Power Moves 
4. My Man
5. Chicken Fest - last bits 

Oct 9, 2019

1. Our new idea
2. Merry Sticksmas 
3. A whale of a time 
4. Millilitre perfect 
5. An appropriate gift 
6. Super Rooster